Tuesday, November 3, 2009

New toy

Well, no pics to share tonight as the camera once again has proven to be crap. I can't complain too much, as it was new. Though I'd love to find the actual power cord so I don't have to continue to rely upon the really crappy battery. I'll have to look for it this weekend when I actually have more time to do so. So far the painting is coming along well. I do need to sit down and really start detailing figs, but I've been so caught up with the new pieces from Pig Iron that I haven't even broken out the old figs yet to finish them up. Still I'm actually making progress on the guard. Something I can't say about the marines. The hell hammer is actually starting to look like it's going to be finished this month as well.

All in all it's been a good start and I just need to keep up the momentum.

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