Monday, November 2, 2009

So I got started on the new digital camouflage scheme for my Valkyrie. Other than a few small errors from where the paint didn't fully dry when I put the camo strips on, and a few places where I over-brushed, it's looking pretty good. I definately need to get better lighting for the painting.

So far I've got put together 1 Valkyrie, 3 open topped sentinels, 1 armored sentinel, 1 hell hound, 2 chimera, 1 leman russ demolisher, and 1 leman russ. (Though I'm converting it to a vanquisher model)

The armored sentinel, the demolisher, and the armored sentinel are all magnetized so I can swap out for different weapon load outs. The Valkyrie is also magnetized, but I learned the hard way to double check your polarity on the magnets before finally gluing them in. Luckily it was only the multi laser that I can't use atm, but everything else is golden.

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